
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

#SAP#SF# LMS error:You do not have the appropriate permissions to access the #Learning module#SucessFactors#LMS#SSO


Created user manually in the LMS which caused User id configuration/case mismatch, in the two systems.


  1. Go to Employee export and download the export.
  2. Check for the record of the user.
  3. There would be two columns one for the user id and other for username.
  4. The user id mentioned in the export will be the user id which flows in the LMS.
  5. Thus if the user is created in the LMS it should be of the same case and character as in the user id from the employee export in the BizX side.
  6. There are two options available to resolve:
  • Create a user in LMS with the case matching the the one in BizX. ( Check to confirm the user ID from the employee export in the BizX side )
  • If in case cannot create the same id in LMS which is in the employee export, then you need create a new user in BizX as well and make sure that the user id in the BizX be created as per the required id.
* User name and user id are separate in BizX, username shows on the UI while the user id flows to LMS for the creation of user.

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