
Friday, August 27, 2010

SAP HR and Payroll Transports

Entering Table values in a Transport

When entering values in a transport, use the normal table editor - SM31. Choose the transport option from the menu and choose the transport you wish to use. You can create it at this stage if you have not already done so. Choose the entries and click on the icon "Include in Request" - you will see an information message at the bottom of the screen indicating that the object has been included in request ... If unsure, check to see on SE10 that your objects have been included in the request.

Transport: Different Client: Same Server

Wishing to move a transport from one client to another on the same server without having to involve the Basis folk (who usually use transaction code STMS). You can - using transaction code SCC1. This transaction is used for client copies where special selections are needed. You need to be logged in to the target client. Enter the transaction code and then input the source client and the transport number. The system then "pulls" the transport.

The benefit of using this piece of functionality is that you do not need to involve the System Administrators - although you might need to get the applicable authorisations from them. The other advantage is that you can copy unreleased as well as released transports. This is also a disadvantage as you do not have a record of which transports went across to which clients on a particular day.

Transport Organizer: Initial Screen

The transaction code is SE01 and it takes you to the initial screen for the transport system. You can view the entire contents of individual transports. You can also click on the page/glasses icon which takes you to the log display. Clicking on the tools icon takes you the workbench organizer for tools.

The log display is very useful and gives you and indication of when a transport was released, who released it and when it was promoted to each of the different clients.

The workbench organizer for tools is a very clever tool. It has a number of useful features. One of them is the search option which allows you to search for individual items in any transport. Ensure that you have the correct "request type" and status set. You can restrict the search by filtering the date, owner and request/task selection options. You need to specify the program ID, object type and specific object to be searched for. The table below gives an indication of the commonly used objects and their ID's.


Program ID Object Types Description
R3TR CDAT View cluster maintenance: Data
R3TR LODE HRDSYS: Logical information object client-dep. table E
R3TR PCYC Customer PCR's
R3TR PHDE HRDSYS: physical information object client-dep. table E
R3TR PMKC Customer Features
R3TR PFRM Customer Forms - Payslips, P46's
R3TR PSCC Customer Schemas
CORR RELE Comment: Released
R3TR TABU Table Contents
R3TR VDAT View Maintenance: Data


Program ID Object Types Description
LIMU REPS Report Source
LIMU REPT Report Text
R3TR FUGR Function Group

Authorisation to Transport certain objects

If you wish to transport an entry, but the transport menu option is "greyed out" - then it is possible that you do not have the necessary authorisation for this task. Speak to the basis team to give you this functionality or else get someone else, who has the relevant authorisation, to carry out the transport

Transport Names

SAP uses the following naming convention for transports within the system: sysKnnnnnn - where "sys" is the client name and "nnnnnn" is the unique transport number.

Be very careful when creating any manual transports in any client other than your conventional development environment. SAP will generate a number QADP900001 for a transport created on the client QAD found on the Quality Assurance server. Make sure that this transport does not get confused with the transport named DEVK9000001 when the system admin team move the transport.

Transport Logs

To view the log of a particular transport, place the cursor on the relevant transport and then click on the "transport log" icon (glasses next to white writing paper).

The date adjacent to the transport is the date on which the transport was created.

The log reflects when the transport was released in the config client. The entries "Selection for import" and "Test import" reflect the date and times when this took place. The transport is then moved from the config client into the relevant testing client on Pre-PROD. The entries "Import" and "Check versions" on the client in Pre-Prod and "Selection for import" in PROD reflect the date as to when this took place.

The log then reflects when the transport was moved into PRD. The entries "Import" and "Check versions" can be seen in the log with the date when this took place.

To find out which clients the transport has gone to then you need to do the following.

Use TC SE01 and insert or find your individual transport (note that you can also do this from TC SE10). Then choose the transport logs. In the transport log, double-click on the first "import" line. Expand all the entries using the icon with the 2 down arrows - it should be the icon on the far left hand side. Look for the line starting with "client=xxx..." - it should be about 10-15 lines down. It is not shown initially in the summary - which is why you need to expand the log.

Transaction Codes

Transaction Code Description
SE01 Transport Organiser: Initial Screen
SE09 Workbench Organiser
SE10 Customising Organiser
SCC1 Allows you to carry out a "pull" transport from any client on the box to the client that you are in
SE03 Transport Organiser - Tools
STMS Transport Management System


Table Name Description
E070 Holds all the transport attributes in the system
E07T Holds all the transport descriptions in the system


Report Name Description
RSAQR3TR Transports Queries, User Groups & Functional Areas

Useful Tips

You will not be able to release a request without all tasks being released first
When giving the transport number to the basis team - remember to always give the number of the top level transport
Anyone can release a transport, but only the owner of the transport is able to delete it. To delete a transport, you have to delete the sub tasks first.
If you wish to delete a transport owned by another user, you can change the owner to yourself - if you have their permission, and then delete the transport.
Transports are always promoted from the Development server to other clients on the other servers in the transport queue. When transports are moved into the Productive environment, they are copied from the config client in the Development environment.
The order in which transports are moved is crucial. Transports sent in the wrong order will fail if they are relying on dependent objects already existing in the target client.

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