
Sunday, August 15, 2010

"Should I Quit my Job?"

"Should I Quit my Job?" 4 Scenarios in Which Quitting is Advisable

In a bad economy, it can be difficult to quit a job when there are so many professionals out of jobs. But if you're faced with a bad workplace situation or you're presented with a better opportunity elsewhere, it's okay to take the plunge and give your two week notice.

Although quitting a job is always a difficult decision to make, not recognizing when it's time to quit could hurt your resume and, most importantly, make you unhappy with where you are in your career.

If you're looking for the push to finally quit that job, here are four scenarios that give you the right to walk away to a better opportunity.

1. Poor Work Environment
You should never have to deal with a bad work environment, whether you're faced with harassment or poor management. Many professionals will tell you that a great work environment can make a world of a difference, so it's no surprise that a poor work environment can have the same affect. Never put up with harassment in the workplace and don't let management take advantage of you with unreasonable work conditions.

2. Low Pay
In an economy like this, chances are no one is being paid what they are worth. But there's a difference between cutting back on salaries and taking advantage of workers who know they are lucky to have a job in the first place. Be sure to network with other workers in your field to find out the average salary in your area for your industry. If you fall way below the average, speak to your boss. But, it's time to walk away if your concerns continue to go unnoticed. Staying at a job with low pay will hurt your future chances of receiving the salary you deserve.

3. No Chance of Growth
If you have been making the effort to move up the corporate ladder with little response from management, it may be time to move on to another company. Once a worker shows interest in taking on more responsibility, management should take notice and start grooming them for a higher position. If you're willing to learn, but no one is willing to teach you, this could mean that either you'll get stuck in your position or management is trying to give you the hint that they don't think you'll stick around much longer.

4. Better Opportunity
Many times during your career you'll be presented with another job opportunity, and chances are it may be during a time when you're not even looking for a different position. Some professionals are hesitant to leave a job they're comfortable with to pursue a position at another company. Take the time to weigh all of the pros and cons of quitting your job for a better opportunity elsewhere. Those who take risks in their careers are often the most successful and the happiest.

By Christine Rochelle from


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